Current and future Transits discussed

6 minutes


Transits and any other type of chart overlays we do upon our own charts can be done from any significant planet or house in our chart: ascendant moon, atma karaka, dasha lord, Navamsha, karakamsha and some other possibilities like raja yogas or if there are several significant planets in one house.

All these secondary considerations is what makes clear that we are extremely complex in our individuality. As we go thru each significant placement in our chart we can’t help but get a sense of how huge we are. Everything is in there somehow, everything in this world, the depth of astrology – of this being – is beyond the grasp of any level of mind.

With this said, I guess I’ll offer my two cents on the Transits going happening for the next year.

Saturn and Ketu have been together in Sagittarius for several month so . Most astrologers are quaking at the thought of these two planets coming together. Saturn, the cold hard slow and old taskmaster is living with the nebulous, scattered, numb, ambivalent, ancient wandering saint.

It puts me in mind of the Karate kid. An excellent time to learn a deep spiritual disciplined spiritual surrender. It almost a kind of shamanism that suggest of following scattered set of rules.

I have written other articles about the history of this combination in Sagittarius: the clash of empires and the destruction of church rule in society. Refugees and changing social conditions; a precursor time to globalization; legislated land thefts justified thru humanitarian intervention.

If we think of Ketu in Sagittarius we think of doctrine (sag) being scattered (ketu). But this scattering can happen in different ways. The doctrine/ideology might indeed remain intact and spread over the world like a nebulous cloud, or the doctrine might itself become fragmented as it surrenders to cosmic forces that are beyond the reach of even the greatest philosophies.

When we look at conjunction it can be difficult to understand which planet will have the upper hand. Some people say that the lower degree planet has power, other suggest looking at the bala (strength) totals is more important. Certainly when we consider the transit effects on our charts we also have to intimately know their strength and disposition in our own chart.

Saturn is commonly understood to the law, the laws of nature, hard irrefutable science. Ketu doesn’t care. He may not be as actively breaking the rulea like his brother Rahu who is ruled by an insatiable ambition, but Ketu’s ambivalence can be equally problematic thru not even recognizing Saturn’s Law.

With this combination it’s equally likely to get someone who is heavily repressed by the law, so much so that they become kind of numb to it.

When I think of these planets together I think of a cloud of dust, or a frost cloud. Not the think oily smoke of Rahu, but the almost luminous mist catching the light like magic.

The spiritual vibration will be strong; but one might also need to have a strong spiritual perspective to handle it. Saturn will bring out the practical truths of beliefs; he will not let us hide from that reality.

Jupiter came into Sagittarius but quickly turn around again. The fire at the great cathedral happened while he was just in the door to Sagittarius – Mula Nakshatra; a constellation famous for calamity. Jupiter will be coming back to this combination by autumn.

Of course we all think of Jupiter benevolence and broad minded universality perspective and surely he will provide some lessons of higher knowledge, but he will also provide lubrication for the creative acts of these two malefics (Saturn and Ketu). Jupiter influences fat in the system. And ideology of fear. He will try make a doctrine from Saturn and Ketu. Jupiter expands things and multiplied them so father figures, gurus, priests, mentors, philosophers could become almost unbearably many. For those with a strong spiritual direction in life this could again be a very opportune time

There are many ways of looking at the signs and houses of a chart. When we thing if Sagittarius (the ninth sign) we can also consider its placements from the other sign as well as its house place meant in our chart.

Sagittarius is in the sixth house from the 4th house. This can bring disputes over borders and threats to the old ways of settled cultures. Everyone extolled the virtues of the faith, philosophy and higher knowledge offered by Sagittarius, but few consider the destabilizing effect this can have on our home culture, comfort and the predictable/habitual rhythms of life.

The 9th sign can be both a shock to our family values as well as showing us the unexpected consequences of the values that have been past down to us.

By the new year (2020), we will find a party going on in Sagittarius; or what the astrologers call a planetary war. The wining and kissing planted will change as re transit moves so there is no point to try to declare a winner; that will depend on ones own chart and the blessing that god bestows on each of us to carry us thru this life. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu will all be there; it will be quite a wild party most certainly. If we can be present as witness, as the fly on the wall, all will be well; but if we think to get our egos involved then most certainly we will find argument with such a broad array or characters.

I have said little about Rahu up till now and he’ll be in Gemini, the sign of communication, media, information, younger brothers, small groups, short travels/commutes, and arm.

Arms are nice, they allow us to reach out to the world, to grasp things and share them. Arms are also what we call our weapons, which also allow us to reach out to the world in a more sinister way; we also use them to send messages. Rahu likes this kind of thing; his ambition knows no bounds. You may not be surprised that we have only seen the tip of the “fake news” iceberg. Rahu will certainly make all of this even more fully apparent over the next year and a half of his transit thru Gemini. This Rahu can be good for foreign correspondence, international journalism; he can also give a dirty mentality to the significations of the house he’s in or the house that he is third from.

It’s likely that Ketu will be watching Rahu with fascination; completely forgetting himself. This is what makes fake news so dangerous, it can take us far from our try beliefs and cause us to do things that we would typically find unconscionable.

As always, it’s a good time for surrender the god aand seek a deeper and more pristine truth inside of ourselves. Anything else is just suffering the loving wrath of Nirriti; goddess of the earth element.

3 responses to “Current and future Transits discussed”

  1. Very nice Mike..🙌🙏

  2. Sagittarius is sattvic by nature, indicating this is a well-tempered place for these diverse grahas to war/party in. “The spiritual vibration will be strong; but one might also need to have a strong spiritual perspective to handle it. Saturn will bring out the practical truths of beliefs; he will not let us hide from that reality.” Incredibly well said.

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